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We’d like to congratulate you for winning some goodies on us and for attending the first ever Photo Booth Expo! We are very excited to have the opportunity to provide you and your business with our amazing templates. We hope that your templates will help you to use to grow your photo booth business.
All of your purchases are instantly available via the My Account page on our website, you will also receive an email receipt that includes a link to download your template from. There is no waiting on somebody to hand process your purchase.
The promo code on the back of your cart is valid for purchases of both photo booth templates and our Template Club VIP membership.
Did you know that with a membership you receive 15 free templates throughout the year that you choose? This allows you to choose the designs you need to fit your clients. You also receive 33% off on all templates purchased as a member. There is no limit, every individual template is 33% off for you 24/7. You also will receive access to our private Facebook Group and unprecedented access to us.
Sound good? We’re not done yet! Your membership gives you access to our unique templates widget that allows you to embed our catalog, unbranded and without pricing, into your website and automatic entry into every drawing we have.
Now we’re talking! Ready to get started and supercharge your photo booth business? Make sure to add the Template Club VIP subscription to your cart before checking out.
[/jaw_custom_text][/jaw_section][jaw_section class=”pbx-header-logo” size=”3″ box_title=”PBX Logo” bar_type=”off” fullwidth=”0″ full_back_color=”” woo_bar_sort=”” catalog_mode=”off”][jaw_image image=”25244″ lightbox=”0″ link=”http://thephotoboothexpo.com” target=”_blank” fullwidth=”0″ class=”pbx-header-logo” bar_type=”off” woo_bar_sort=”” full_back_color=”” box_size=”3″ catalog_mode=”off” ] [/jaw_section][jaw_section class=”” size=”6″ box_title=”redeem instructions” bar_type=”off” fullwidth=”0″ full_back_color=”#000000″ woo_bar_sort=”” catalog_mode=”off”][jaw_custom_text fullwidth=”0″ full_back_color=”#000000″ class=”” use_bg=”0″ bg_color=”#000000″ height=”50″ padding-top=”0″ bar_type=”off” woo_bar_sort=”” box_size=”6″ catalog_mode=”off” ]
Redeeming your promo code is easy to do. Browse our catalog of 100’s of templates and add any templates you need to your cart. Don’t forget to pick up a Template Club VIP membership.
You can go to your cart by clicking the here or the cart in the header of our website or directly to checkout by clicking the link below.
At check out use the promo code on the back of your card to receive the specified discount off your entire purchase (so make it count). If you have any problems please let us know at our Support Site or [email protected] and we’ll help get you going.
That is it, you’re now ready to use your photo booth templates. Make sure to stop by our YouTube channel for videos that show how to use our templates in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. In a few minutes you’ll be ready to go concur the photo booth world.
[/jaw_custom_text][/jaw_section][jaw_section class=”” size=”6″ box_title=”Examples” bar_type=”off” fullwidth=”0″ full_back_color=”” woo_bar_sort=”” catalog_mode=”off”][jaw_image image=”25253″ lightbox=”0″ link=”http://” target=”_self” fullwidth=”0″ class=”” bar_type=”off” woo_bar_sort=”” full_back_color=”” box_size=”6″ catalog_mode=”off” ] [/jaw_section][jaw_section class=”pbx-vip-benefits” size=”8″ box_title=”VIP benefits” bar_type=”off” fullwidth=”0″ full_back_color=”#000000″ woo_bar_sort=”” catalog_mode=”off”][jaw_custom_text fullwidth=”0″ full_back_color=”#000000″ class=”pbx-vip-benefits” use_bg=”0″ bg_color=”#000000″ height=”50″ padding-top=”0″ bar_type=”off” woo_bar_sort=”” box_size=”8″ catalog_mode=”off” ]
As a Template Club VIP member you’ll enjoy lower costs to offer our premium photo booth templates and differentiate yourself from your competition. free templates that you choose
- 15 free templates of your choice
- 33% off regular template pricing
- Access to our unbranded microsite
- Automatic entry in all PBO giveaways
- Priority support
[/jaw_custom_text][/jaw_section][jaw_section class=”vip-join-now” size=”4″ box_title=”Title image” bar_type=”off” fullwidth=”full-item” full_back_color=”” woo_bar_sort=”” catalog_mode=”off”][jaw_image image=”23410″ lightbox=”0″ link=”https://www.photoboothtemplates.com/product/template-club-vip-membership//?utm_source=website&utm_medium=image&utm_content=PBXLV&utm_campaign=PBX_WINNERS_PAGE” target=”_self” fullwidth=”full-item” class=”vip-join-now” bar_type=”off” woo_bar_sort=”” full_back_color=”” box_size=”4″ catalog_mode=”off” ] [/jaw_section][jaw_section class=”pbx-cta” size=”12″ box_title=”VIP CTA” bar_type=”off” fullwidth=”1″ full_back_color=”#c25ca5″ woo_bar_sort=”” catalog_mode=”off”][jaw_cta text=”
Use the promo code PBX15 and save 20% off a VIP membership
” button_type=”button” cta_button_possition=”right” title=”JOIN NOW” icon=”” link=”https://www.photoboothtemplates.com/template-club/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=pbx-landing&utm_content=PBXLANDING&utm_campaign=PBX_LANDING_PAGE” target=”_self” fullwidth=”1″ full_back_color=”#c25ca5″ color=”#c25ca5″ border_type=”none” border_width=”0″ border_color=”#EFEFEF” cta_button_size=”default” cta_button_bg_color=”#e8bcd8″ cta_button_border_color=”#333333″ cta_button_font_color=”#333333″ class=”pbx-cta” bar_type=”off” woo_bar_sort=”” box_size=”12″ catalog_mode=”off” ] [/jaw_section]