Let's Talk Photo Booth Templates!

How our photo booth templates are organized
In this tutorial we will explain the basic structure of our photo booth templates. All templates purchased from us are organized this same way. Key

How our Photoshop files are organized
In this tutorial we will explain how our Photoshop files are organized. They are structured in a way that makes them easy to modify
Unpacking your photo booth template
In this tutorial we will show you how to open your photo booth template after you have downloaded it from the PBO Design Shop. Keypoints: 1. Share a
Using our templates in Sparkbooth 4
If you are a Sparkbooth 4 user please watch this video provided by the developer of this awesome software to see how to quickly use
How to create a single strip from a double strips set
Here is a quick tip for customers of the PBO Design Shop that use Darkroom Booth and the built in printer drivers. To leverage the built-in printer drivers you
How are your Photoshop files structured?
Our Photoshop (PSD) files are structured into logic groupings of the text elements, the overlay and color adjust layers and the background with color adjustments